join us
From time to time, we search for talent in the Bay Area to join the group. If you would like to sing or beatbox with us, please fill out our Google Form. If the stars align and you fit a voice part we're looking for, we'll contact you for auditions!
core values
We sing music that brings us joy and excites us.
We provide great feedback and set tangible goals so that we are always improving as a group.
We do our best to use rehearsal as a time to do things we can only do as a full group.
We share our music with audiences online and in person.
We amplify each other’s voices and celebrate our diversity.
We allow for community no matter life circumstances.
We spend time together outside of rehearsal and performances.
We are professional and consistent.
We create music together without shame or guilt.
We take every opportunity to leave the group better than when we found it.